Monday, May 9, 2016

Make Yourself Be a Good Engineer

  The Essential Qualities of an Engineers

  • Judgment– Reasoning ability, accuracy in conclusions, ability to profit by experience.
  • Initiative– Alertness, imagination, originality, independence in thinking.
  • Integrity– Truthfulness, honesty, sincerity.
  • Organizing Ability– Systematizing, planning and  delegating
  • Health– Bodily vigor, good sight, hearing, etc., included.
  • Perseverance– Industry, ambition, concentration.
  • Aggressiveness– Energy, courage, domination of will

  • Open-Mindedness– Reasonableness, teachableness, openness to new ideas.
  • Co-Operativeness– Unselfishness, kindness, cheerfulness, tact, loyalty.
  • Competitiveness– Interest in playing the business game.
  • Control of Emotions– Freedom from outbursts of anger or touchiness.
  • Refinement– Courtesy, manners, general culture.
  • Appearance– Well-groomed appearance, good carriage, pleasing facial expressions, etc.
  • Sense of Humor